Are you feeling the “winter blues”? The holidays are over and most of us have over-indulge in many ways. Space Solutions is starting a journey and want you to take it with us on how to live a “healthier you” …Living Life Organized. We decided to begin in our kitchen area with our refrigerator and pantry to make a change in the way we see our food and ingest our food. Follow these EASY steps to begin this process. Consider how we can help your organize your space along the way.
1.Take everything out of your refrigerator and freezer. Throw away expired items or unhealthy food that will tempt you to make poor choices.
2.Wipe down and clean your refrigerator. Organize and group like items together.
3.Take everything out of your pantry. Wipe down and clean your pantry. Throw away expired items and junk food.
4.Decide what organization tools work the best for you.
5.Get MATCHING containers for your pantry so everything looks uniform.
6.Group like items together. For example: cereals, granola bars, chips, pasta, canned goods etc.
Take a look at this link through HgTV to give you visual ideas along with our website on finished products. Get started today!