Get and Stay Organized
Organizing your closet will be liberating and can de-clutter your life. When organizing, come with the right mindset. Don’t let the task overwhelm you! Slow down and prevent your emotions from getting the best of you. Follow our easy closet organizational tips below to help. Allow enough time for the project to complete it correctly. It will always take longer than you think! Stay focused and don’t get distracted – stay on task. Get a plan together. Often drafting a plan on paper for a visual cue is helpful. Purchase organizers and cleanup supplies ahead of time. Throw away trash and place dirty laundry in the hamper. Clear a space to place items to be organized in. Clean the space before organizing and returning items. Then BEGIN!!
Closet Organizational Tips:
- Filter your Wardrobe – Donate clothing that you haven’t worn in a year or more or items that no longer fit. If an item is stained or damaged, it’s time to go!
- Organize Hanging Clothing by Type and Color- Shirts and blouses can be sorted by sleeve length and then by shade. Keeping like items together makes for easier options especially when in a hurry.
- Create Zones- A lower rod can hold tops and skirts, an eye level rod can hold dresses while a high bar will be sufficient for suits and shirts. Create a shoe zone and jewelry zone. Shelving can be perfect for storing purses or other odds and ends. High shelves work for out of season clothing, pillows and items not used often.
- Decide What to Store in Your Closet- Let seasonality and frequency of use be your guide in determining what to keep in your closet and what to store elsewhere.
- Create a Hamper to Keep Dirty Clothing- Various options from built-in hampers to baskets and other organizing systems are available to place your dirty clothing.
- Arrange Folded Items – Any clothing that can stretch out of shape, should be folded over hangers or stored on shelves. Place heavier items at the bottom or the pile. Arrange items by function and color.
- Choose the Right Hanger- Your closet will appear more aesthetically pleasing creating a calmer space if you use just one type of hanger – wood, plastic, cloth covered or wire.
- Purchase a Garment Bag- A sturdy canvas garment bag protects fine clothing better than plastic.
Organize Dry Cleaning- Remove clothing from dry-cleaning bags as soon as you get home and hang your clothes on proper hangers. - Manage Odds and Ends – Belt and tie racks, valet poles and other accessories can be attached inside of your closet to manage bags, belts, scarves and other items.
Contact Space Solutions today at (602) 726-3388 to get a free estimate on a personalized, custom closet system.